Thursday, August 2, 2012

Flower Tissue Paper

I only had some plain white gift wrapping around to gift this present. (Why anyone would buy white wrapping? I would laugh...until now.)

Seeing this clean slate, I decided to use the nearest color I could use for it...which was (drumroll please) tissue paper! Big surprise.
I just piled up some layers of tissue and made shapes to make some flower patterns for it and I have to say that I'm happy about how it turned out! You could use this for weddings, maybe even table decorations, and in this case, a birthday(: I think I will always buy white wrapping paper now! Good thing I got a dollar store a couple blocks away!!! Wooo!

Cereal for Dessert? Yes Please!

I recently saw a recipe on pinterest of making these cupcakes. My friend and I attempted to do them.
Best idea ever.

They were so good! And I felt so original making them haha...but needless to say I owe it to this lady and her awesome recipe: 
Of course, we went on a different route of making them with the decorating and slight changes in the recipe...overall though, I think anyone would be pleased with this cereal treat!

Sweet and Sour Treat!

Made these delish cupcakes! The recipe was pretty simple...
~Good ol' mix of strawberry cake powder
~bake it at the 375 degree mark (I just check on them until I think they're ready)
~the icing is a mix of Country Time Lemonade powder and vanilla icing
~fresh cut up strawberries

and that's basically it. You could go more fancy making your own strawberry mix, but I have to say that this worked pretty well. (: